Thursday, February 16, 2012

What would you do if you were president?

President of what? The Hair Club for Men? Is what I thought when someone asked me that recently. I've never put a lot of thought into politics. I imagine politics to be community based like a grass roots kinda thing. My first instinct would be is to take my lead from the last guys in office. I would start with an extramarital affair, then declare war over an imaginary threat, toss bailout money hand over fist, then when shit gets tight, gracefully resign. Being president is not as easy asking the question. What are the biggest things plaguing our society today? Is where I would start.

I read today that unemployment is the lowest it's been in 4 years. Yet my wife still can't get a job. Why can't the government guarantee employment? Wouldn't making sure everyone worked help stimulate the economy? Well if that's too much to ask, what about minimum wage? How about we raise it? The question then is, if you raise minimum wage, does everyone else's pay go up by the same amount? We need to get people working, so they can spend more, and maybe be able to afford gas.

Then you have homelessness. The "poverty czar" of San Fransisco is proposing "Wet Houses" Basically a homeless shelter that offers a Scotch on the Rocks for those folks that can't function without it. Here's another crazy thought. How about we give them, um let me think, homes? Some kind of housing, employment, drug treatment. Homelessness was once reserved for junkies, war vets, and the crazy. Nowadays anyone you know may be homeless. It takes one wave of layoffs for a family to not be able to afford to pay their mortgage. Then they can't get another job, at least they can go to the neighborhood wet house and get a vodka and tonic.

Can someone answer one thing? Where's the gas? Have you seen the gas? Let me rephrase that, where's the petroleum. How much is a barrel going for these days? 50 60 million dollars? Why can't they get this under control. There have been wars fought for the stuff, millions of people dead, and yet we're on the road to 4 dollars a gallon. What I don't understand is when they say the price of crude went up. Did we finish using the stuff we pay 3 dollars less yet before they tack on 50 cents at the pump? Something else that puzzles me is, how gas is $3.45 at one place and a block away it's $3.75. That's for regular. 20 cents more for super. You do know it's all one well under the gas station? This is a suckers industry, they saw us coming a mile away, because we're born every minute. Why not co-op some gas. We buy it cheap, and sell it to our community at a reasonable rate.

What is the point of getting educated if you can't afford to pay for it? They expect you sign up for thousands of dollars of debt then have no job for you to pay them back with. Let's pay for education. The more professionals, scientists, scholars, and such the better it is for society. I don't know about you, but I know I get tired of Sallie Mae calling my house everyday. Everyone should have the right to learn. Without being afraid of answering the phone. The leading reason kids don't want to go to college is because they can't afford it.

Running the free world would not be a job I would accept without a fight. Plus I'm brown, so you know I would start out in the hole. They would want to see my green card. They would dig up gang affiliation or somebody saying I'm they baby daddy. I think if I were president. The hood would go crazy. Half of them would see themselves on the TV and the other half would see "Jose" I'll leave it up to the professionals, let's see what happens in 2012.

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