Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Everything Is Going To Be Alright

I think my last blog scared a few people. Many of my friends and family have called or written to make sure I was OK. I really wasn't trying to alarm anyone. Actually by the time I wrote it, I was over most of it. I just needed to chronicle my predicament. When I write this kind of stuff, I honestly do not intend to gripe. I'm writing mostly to let the reader's know that I go through stuff just like everyone else. The worst part of hardship is thinking that it only happens to you. My daily torment is very common. There are many of us who struggle to make ends meet. Some of us feel unappreciated, whether at work or at home. We all feel at odds with at least one person in our family. I know it's all a part of growing up. I don't put it out there for sympathy, I put it out there to release it. Once I release it I can move on to the next thing. I love my life. It may not be perfect, but it's better then many other peoples lives, and I know that someday all my hardship will be a memory and will be part of my story.

No one has a perfect life. The people that usually try to portray that they have it going on, are usually the worst off. Marriage is hard. Parenting is hard. Work is hard. Things happen everyday that can drive you crazy. The key is knowing how to handle things as they come. Having a strong support system is a must. Knowing that things will get better is also is important. You have to be an optimist. Optimism only works if you work toward bettering your situation. You can be an optimist all you want, but if you don't make a change for the better, you will never emerge from the ashes. I like to believe that this is my rebuilding period. I may feel like I'm not progressing, but I recognize that it takes time. I know that if I keep the faith, treat my family right, work hard, and do right, I will triumph. The truth is most of the time I feel like a loser. I don't have money. I drive old cars. I can't afford to take lavish vacations. I don't even have a smart phone. Then I think about what I do have. I have a great family on both sides. I have a steady job. My old cars get me where I need to be. I also have my health and the will to go on.

I fantasize about winning the lottery. What for? Do I really need 60 million dollars? Will I be able to spend it all. Maybe I will squander it like any other money I've ever had. I really believe that I will give most of it away. Starting with family and close friends. Then people in my community that need the help. From my experiences I know that the average person would'nt mind a few months of rent being paid. Maybe clothes and shoes for their 5 kids. A thousand dollar gas card would'nt hurt anyone. I would help the average person. May be if I were at the grocery store, and saw a family buying a bunch of food, I would pay for it. I don't need a mansion and European cars. I will have a nice spacious home and a couple of reliable cars. A college fund for my daughter and maybe a Winnebago. Since I've been at the bottom, if I ever make it to the top, I will treat people with respect. Money will not make me, but it will give the ability to help more people. Even now when I have nothing I try to help people.

For now let's stop worrying about what we don't have, and thank God for what we do have. If you've made it this far in your current situation, one way or another you will continue to make it. Little by little keep moving forward. Never give up. Be kind, honest, and considerate. Don't judge the less fortunate. If someone needs help, and you can  help offer it to them, even if they don't ask for it. Help doesn't always mean a handout or a physical act of help. It also means telling someone what they need to hear, even if they don't wanna hear it. If you know someone is making the wrong decisions, you need to let them know. They may be upset at first, but some people don't realize the wrong they are doing until someone points it out to them. Be a leader. In your home, in your community,  in your school, at your church, at your job. I will be OK. I will win. I will be the person that my family needs me to be. Thank you for your time and support.

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