Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yoga... will kill you if you let it

Today was an eye opening experience for me. I always enjoyed, the idea, of Yoga. Once upon a time I used to try to follow along with video on demand fitness videos. I actually thought I was doing something. A couple of weeks ago my boss decided that for our meeting today, she would take the management team to a group Yoga class. I was game, until I had to run to the Yoga studio.

Today at work I was debuting a new piece of equipment. This is a magnificent contraption that is going to cut the time it takes to do something as mundane as hand patting 9,000 burger patties, in half. I should have known is wouldn't be easy. I learned how to use it, and take it apart for cleaning, yesterday. Today I was tasked with showing some of my team members how to use it. When the technician showed me, it seamed so straight forward. Today it took me an hour and a half to get a gear to turn to the exact degree as to let the machine work correctly. A centimeter off and it doesn't operate correctly. 

After finally getting it right, I realized that the rest of the group had left and I didn't know where the place was. I heard it was in walking distance. So I walked out the front of the building as I called my boss. I found out it was about a half mile away. So I decided to run, as I ate a protein bar. Needless to say, I was having difficulty breathing, eating and running at the same time, while carrying my gym bag. I finally get there. I'm sweaty and out of breath. I'm also nervous because I'm late. I hate being late. 

What's the first thing they hand me? A waiver, that basically says, if I die, my family can't sue the Yoga studio. Aside from the possibility of death, I was intrigued by the building we were in. This place is at least 100 years old and did I mention it used to be a church. Now it's a Yoga studio above, and a Montessori school downstairs. I love that they kept the original murals from the church on the walls and ceiling. It also had the original stained glass window. They lead us to this awesome loft. It was about 10 of us and the instructor.

I started out nice and easy. I picked a mat. I wasn't sure what the blocks were for. I was familiar with the positions, from my TV Yoga days. I learned quickly that the block was for sitting comfortably with my manly pelvis. I was fine all the way to the downward facing dog. Then the chair pose happened. My legs were shaking like hell. I felt like I was going to keel over. I kept at it. Held my own through the tree pose. Warrior 1 tried me. By the time we get to warrior 1, not only were my legs done, I also could not keep my arms up anymore. I was concentrating. Trying to focus on my breathing. Then for a split second, I felt like I was on the verge of passing out. I dropped my arms and walk off. I drank some water, took a deep breath, and went back in.

I soldiered through and then we started cool down. All in all it was pleasant experience. I figured, I wouldn't reach enlightenment on my first class. I think after a few classes I will feel more comfortable. I did get good stretching in. I also could see how this would help with toning. I may go back as some point. The place is near my work and they have a 5 class special for 35 bucks, why not?

It also helped me relax. When I got there, I was frustrated with my equipment issue, and angry for running late. Afterward, they took us to lunch. By the time I got back to the office, nothing could bring me down. I didn't sweat through a difficult conversation. What could have been a unsavory incident with a team member, rolled off my back. I have a lot more work to do on myself, but maybe Yoga will be the way to keep me level headed.

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