Sunday, June 2, 2013

Not So Perfect

Perfect. Does anyone really know what that means? Are you perfect or do you know anyone that is. The people that usually claim to be perfect usually are not. The people that tend to point out everyone else's imperfections are usually not. If you judge yourself by by everyone else's eyes, you will never be perfect.

In my world no one is perfect and no one is happy. They think that pointing out everyone else's mistakes makes them look better. No, it makes them look like whiny babies. If people stop focusing on the negative and strive for perfection then life would be less complicated. Another thing I notice is when people criticize you, they never suggest ways to improve or seldom have a solution or a plan to find a solution. They think they are awesome because they point out your areas of opportunity. I think they are pathetic and useless if they don't offer to help you up after they kick you down.

Focus on your own perfection. Do the best you can every single day. Do it right the first time. If you have to question what right looks like than you don't know what you're doing. Ask for help. Needing help doesn't make you weak, it make you smart. It shows that you want to be perfect instead of appearing to be perfect. You've accepted that you don't know everything but you know who does so you want to gain knowledge from them. When you wing it, people see right through you. False confidence is just that, false. The people in the know, will always spot a fake. 

Help others. Don't just stand back and watch them fall on their face. You improve your chances of perfection when you share your knowledge, and since you don't know everything you just might learn something new. That's the problem with people, they think they know everything and don't need anyone. If we relied on each other more we would get along better. If we focused on improving each other we could be perfect.

The problem is no one wants anyone else to be perfect. That would be boring. They can't exist without having someone to point there finger at in judgement. They think it makes them feel better about themselves, but in actuality it makes them miserable. They are so enthralled in your failure that they can't give their duties the attention they need. So when their performance wanes, they can blame you for their failure. This is the society we live in. This why we will never thrive as a people. This is why we aren't happy. Until we stop hating each other and start appreciating each other we will never be perfect.

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