Thursday, April 8, 2021


 What's the best nation in the world? Vaccination. At least that is what it seems like right now here in the states. Employers are giving incentives for employees who get vaccinated. Krispy Kreme donuts will give you a free glazed donut every day for the rest of the year if you get vaccinated. After you get your second shot, if you take your completed vaccination card to Staples or Office Depot they will laminate it free of charge.

 Will vaccination be the end of the Coronavirus in the United States? Who's getting vaccinated? Who's not getting vaccinated? I work in a grocery store in major metropolitan area of the Eastern United States. Since the pandemic we've had constant infections of our work staff. In my team of 12, 6 have gotten infected since March of 2020. In the entire store of roughly 200 employees, at least 60 employees have been infected with 2 fatalities. Needless to say when word spread that we could get vaccinated it was a mad dash to get registered. I haven't talked to anyone who said they wouldn't get one.

Makes me think that if 1 out of 10 persons does not get vaccinated will that person be protected since the other 9 have been vaccinated? I was skeptical about getting the vaccine. I'm not on the extreme stance of people who think that it is a form of mind control or injecting us with a tracking device. The truth is they already control our minds with the media and other forms of entertainment. As for tracking us. If they want to find you they will. We are so connected these days that if they wanted to know where you are, what you're doing and and who else was involved, they could do it with the click of a mouse. I was anxious about the vaccine because of Bell's Palsy.

Bell's palsy is a condition that causes a temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles in the face. It can occur when the nerve that controls your facial muscles becomes inflamed, swollen, or compressed. The condition causes one side of your face to droop or become stiff.

I had Bell's Palsy twice in my lifetime. It won't kill you but it will make life uncomfortable for a while or at least until you get used to it or it fades away. There were some reports of people getting Bell's Palsy soon after receiving the vaccine. That was my first reason to be fearful. Secondly, which is more unlikely to happen would be death. I was afraid that I would die of a heart attack triggered by the shot. Until the moment I sat down to receive the vaccine, I wasn't sure I was going to go through with it. Thankfully the person administering the injection was very calm and willing to answer any questions and even share his and his families experience and reactions to the vaccine, which helped ease my mind. 

I received the shot and nothing happened. They made me sit in an observation area for 15 minutes in case I had a reaction. After that I had to walk to my car. By the time I got to the car in the garage I did notice something. I always had limited vision in my left eye. At that moment vision was almost black. Like if I was wearing an eye patch. Then I got on the highway to drive home. I quickly felt a sensation of being high. Everything seemed a bit slow and distanced. My hearing was dull. The stereo sounded muffled. Luckily for me it was rush hour so traffic was moving slow. By that evening the injection site was sore. Nothing unbearable. I took Tylenol and went to bed. In the morning  the soreness had moved to my entire left arm and was significantly stronger than the night before. I had a pressure headache, my joints were sore and I had pain in my lower back. Took more Tylenol and went back to bed. The next morning I developed a cold. I had a cough, runny nose and a lot of sneezing. I hate being sick.

Now I have to wait 21 days before I get my second shot. I've been told that the second one will be worst than the first when it comes to side effects and illness after the shot. Do I feel relieved about taking it? I'm glad it didn't kill me or paralyze half my face. Do I think it will stop me from getting sick? I don't know. I don't think anything is certain. There has been one report of a woman who received both doses and still became infected. My real motivation for getting vaccinated is my parents. I want to be able to travel to Central America to see them without worrying about taking tests, quarantining  and getting infected on the flight. Since vaccinations have ramped up the United States the CDC did announce that if you travel within the United states, you didn't have to quarantine upon returning to your home state.

Whether you chose to vaccinate or not please continue to do your part by wearing masks, disinfecting and distancing 6 feet in public. We have to see this thing through and hopefully soon things will be closer to what we remember as normal. Thank you and take care

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