Staying organized and staying focused on a goal is not as exhausting as I anticipated it to be. The issue I have that I’m running out of things to put in my to do list. In the last 2 weeks I’ve gone from watching TV 5 plus hours a day to getting up 2 hours early everyday just to write and do other things on my list. I don’t miss television. I watch 1 hour a day and other than that I’ll have a documentary or podcast on in the background while I work.
Identifying what you want to do with your life at 42 is not as simple as it sounds. I have a family and bills to pay. I can’t go backpacking in Europe to “find myself”. I don’t have the option of sabbatical or if I “retire” I don’t have the financial stability to start over and pay the bills. What I do have is experience and time to learn and build my stock. Time as the old saying goes is money.
How much time do you need to be financially stable or even a millionaire? I’m going to guess that I have maybe 40 more years of life to pull myself out of poverty and build generational wealth for my daughter and her children. Can I do it in less than 10 years? Where do I start?
Goals and ambitions are important. We all need to have something to aspire to. You really can’t be content with the bare minimum for the rest of your life. Living check to check is counter productive to growth. So many of us get caught in that slump and accept there is no other way.
With goals and ambition you better be ready to work. After your day job, you need to be putting effort in your goal. It will not happen overnight or on it’s own.
You have to compartmentalize your goal into time and cost. Figure out what you wanna do. Don’t do what everybody does. Figure what you're good at and understand and stick to that. If not learn, research and educate yourself on whatever it is you want to do. Write it down. Dissect everything that you have to do to get to the goal. Then break that list down by urgency and knock all the quick and easy stuff first. Then break down the big stuff and work on it every day. Schedule your day down to the minute. When you have free time, you should be working on your goal. Pretend you're getting paid. Guess what? If you don’t work you don’t get paid.
You should also be reevaluating your finances at this time. Start budgeting and saving. Start investing and looking for multiple revenue streams to help fund your goal in the future. Like they say, it takes money to make money. Start stacking now. Other things to consider is freelancing or bartering. If your an expert at something do some side work or trade work for work with someone who can help with your goal. Your best tool is you. Talk to people. Talk to them like you believe that nothing will stop you and they will start believing in you. You’re the CEO, VP, Head of HR, Head of Marketing of your dream. You have to sell it.
I wish more people took themselves more seriously. We’re all experts of something. No one has the passion for that one thing more than you do. I know a guy who’s a subcontractor. One night we were all chilling and kicking it. He started talking about stocks. He’s not a broker or from finance but he enjoys the game and learned as he went. He understands the nuances of buying and selling. The best part is that he speaks my language. He’s a man of color. I told him he should do seminars for people of color who are afraid to invest in the stock market. He’d make big bucks teaching people how to invest. His edge is that because of who he is, they would trust him as opposed to stuffed shirt speaking in code and down to them. I learned a lot from 20 minutes of listening to him talk about investing than doing hours of research.
You need to start preparing yourself to win. A lot of times people are afraid to win. They self sabotage. They think that it’s too good to be true. They also don’t know how to accept praise. It’s ok to be proud and celebrate your victories, even the small ones. Just remember that tomorrow it’s back to work. That's the other thing. Just because you reached a certain level of success doesn’t mean you’re done. You have to keep pushing and driving until you reach the next level, then the next. Even billionaires get up every morning to work. Even billionaires have goals and aspirations. They’re not done until they’re done.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave comments or questions or even suggestions for future post in the comment section below
You can find me on IG @cheeto_puente and Fb Augusto Cesar Guerrero
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