My best friend Spooky told me to write a year end recap, and "it better be good" after I told him that would not be writing one this year. This year has been a combination of highs and lows. This one would also have to be an extra special recap because t will be my last Ghettoblaster blog entry.
The History of Ghettoblaster
For those that don't already know, I started Ghettoblaster 3 years ago on a day like today. I had written my first year end recap as a note on my Facebook page. It was well received by my family and friends. A friend of mine named Kim, who happens to be writer and had recently started her own Blogger page urged me to start my own. In that recap, I referred to my crew as 'the cookie cutter' crew. As a result, the original name of the blog was The Cookie Cutter Blog, and my pen name was Ceas Calogero. That is why the URL reads After a handful of entries, I decided to rename it Ghettoblaster. Traditionally in the hood a boombox stereo is referred to as a ghetto blaster, similar to the radio toted around by Radio Raheem in Do the Right Thing. The first background for the site was a picture of a boombox which inspired the name. To me the name meant 'blasting' or 'putting on blast' in other words putting business out there.
It began as a forum for me to write anecdotes. I did a post comprised of the crazy outfits that my parents dressed me in growing up. I also wrote about my adventures at the DMV. It didn't take long for me to realize that conflict sells. My second blog entry was a gripe about responsibility. In true Ghettoblaster form I started writing about family problems. Those were some of my best pieces. The problem was that my mother didn't appreciate me putting my family on display. I felt it was art not just open air belly aching. Looking back, I always wrote from the heart. I never sugar coated or lied. I only gave the facts in the same manner that a journalist would in a professional setting. Nothing was off limits.
Now 3 years have passed. I've written over 240 posts with more than 12,000 views. I've given my soul to these posts and feel that I've written everything I was meant to write. I've matured to the point where I don't live in a constant power struggle with things and persons I can't control, thus living less stressed. Without conflict, I don't have anything interesting to write about. I've written all the memories that mattered. I feel that for art's sake, I have to step away. I feel I have to create new memories and live my life in order to stockpile stories for the future. Will I ever write again? Sure I will, maybe not for Ghettoblaster. I may consider finishing one of my many books or screenplays.
What a year. I'm happy to report that I survived. I feel that I had more triumphs than failures. This was the year when Is started focusing on me. Transforming into the person I want to be remember as. I wanted to change myself for the best and prove that there is nothing that I couldn't do. I also wanted to strengthen my relationships with the persons in my life. I exceeded some of my expectations and fell short on others. The truth was I didn't know what would be of me this year. I kind of just went at it blind. My priorities were to keep my job, pay the bills and provide for my family. My focus shifted early into the year when I severed my right foot in my kitchen.
I went to urgent care to have my cut checked out and dressed. While I was there i was asked to stand on the scale. The 336 that appeared on the LED screen made my heart sink. I suddenly realized that in 2 years I gained almost 70 pounds and had surpassed my last maximum weight by 15 pounds. Soon after I decided to start working out again. Since I had done it a few years back, the process seemed less intense this time around. I knew what to expect this time. When it came to my diet, I decided to make a drastic change. Usually when I want to lose weigh I cut out starches, sugar and fried foods. This time I took it a step forward by eliminating beef, pork and poultry. I went plant strong and ate a limited amount of fish and seafood. It was kind of cool because I'm a meat cutter by profession.
As the pounds came off I got back into running. I had not run in a couple of years, so I thought it would be harder for me to come back. All it took was finding the right shoes and putting one foot in front of the other. I also had a lot of great support from family, friends and co-workers. My biggest support and inspiration came from my boss, Annette. Not only did she run with me, she signed us up for a couple of races. It was really important for me to have someone not only in my corner but also going through it with me.
All said and done I lost about 50 pounds, then gained about 10 back during the holidays. Aside from diet and fitness I managed to get rid of some stuff by way of my friends and family. This afforded me the luxury of finally organizing and displaying my collection in a manner that it can be appreciated properly.Another great thing I learned in 2013 was how to let go and that I will not always win. Falling is not failing, not getting back up is. I also learned to appreciate the people in my life and who my real friends are.
I saw my little girl grow up a little more. She's taller and sassier. She's transforming before my eyes. It's hard to believe she's only 9. It's only a matter of time before puberty rears it's ugly head. I pray that I will able to handle everything coming down the line. I'm more worried about her relationship with her mother. They argue about everything. Everything she does is wrong. I think sometimes my wife forgets that she is a kid. I'm no better. I'm so consumed with the weight on my shoulders that I don't give the attention she needs. All she wants is for me to play with her or take her to a movie every once in a while. I come home and stare at the screen. I really need to be more involved.
This year I witnessed two weddings. The first was in July when one of my dearest and oldest friends Marco married the lovely Khemrath. It was a great weekend full laughs and new and old memories and friends. In November we were fortunate enough to have travel to the beautiful and super friendly nation of El Salvador. My brother Adolfo married his fiance Joyce. As a family we all traveled to the picturesque town of Juayua and Ataco in the mountainous Apaneca region in Western El Salvador. You could see the coffee plantations in the mountains outside of our cabin in the Las Flores de Eloisa resort. Aside from the sites the people of El Salvador really helped me decide in no time that I would return one day. Everyone was so hospitable and friendly. The trip culminated with a almost antique wedding in a hundred something year old colonial style church in the center of town across from a beautiful square with a flowing fountain. Afterward, at the resort we enjoyed a wonderful, fun filled reception.
The rest of my year was spent getting ready for the busy season at work. I was really surprised how relatively smoothly it went. I did it for the first time last year. This year I had a better idea of what had to be done. Aside from the planning. The true secret of my success was my team. They really stepped it up, even though we were short handed and made a successful holiday for all. I also benefited from the support of my peer group and the management team.
Christmas for me wasn't as exciting as it once was. This year we were only able to buy our daughter's gifts, which was a blessing in itself. This was the first year I wasn't able to buy gifts for my crew, my wife and myself. It didn't feel very joyous to me. I really just wanted for it to all be over, I can't wait to see what this new year holds for me. I for damn sure know that I will not wait for it anymore. I pledge to be more outgoing and do what feels right. I will not wait for the right time. I will make things happen. Nothing can stop me from flourishing.
Thank you and Good bye
Over all it was a great year. I may always be down about my situation but at the end of the day, I'm doing better than a whole bunch of folks. First I want to send blessings to all those people we lost this year, and I'm not talking about celebrities and historical figures. I'm talking about my boss's sister-in-law Monica who lost her fight with cancer this year. My wife's great-uncle Herbert. My homie lost her Grandfather Milt and her Grandmother Pat this year. May they all rest easy in the heavens.
Many people have entered and exited my life this year. First I'd like to thank God, because without him in my life nothing would be possible. The good, the bad and the ugly I take as a blessing because it is his will and the path he has chosen for me. Next big thank yous go to my dad Julio and my mom Nubia. They are doing a large percentage of God's work in my life. Without them, I would probably go hungry and be homeless. Then there are my wife and daughter. I may not be where I want to be but at least I'm not going at it alone. The best part is knowing that when I do reach the pinnacle there will at least be 2 people there to share the triumph with me. To my brother, his new bride and his kids, who I've seen grow up before my eyes. To my brothers who may not share my name or my blood but are ever present in my life and can always count on me. My wife's family who is really my family. It is always good to feel that I belong. To my work family especially my team, my leadership group and my peas and carrots, Teddy and Erin.
As I have stated before and in this post, this will officially be my last Ghettoblaster post. It has been a great 3 year run. I really appreciate all of my readers, especially my brother Spook, who not only was the subject of many of my writings, but I could rely on to nudge me every once in a while. He'd text me, 'write something dammit', and would even if I didn't want to. I would do it just to make him happy. The many times I wanted to quit, he always talked me out of it. I know he's not to keen with me concluding the blog, but everything has a beginning and and end. This is the natural conclusion to a 3 year experiment that brought me a lot of joy, some tears and the confidence to know that I could do anything. God willing some of my words inspired the readers or at least gave them a good chuckle. I thank and appreciate everyone of you. Good bye and God bless.
-Augusto Cesar Guerrero a.k.a. Ceas Calogero
Me |
My stuff |
My cheerleader (Annette) |
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My brothers |
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My Crew My lady |
My girl |
The Church in Juaya |
Joyce, my brother's bride |
My niece, grand niece, brother and nephew |
My niece, my mom, my brother, my sister and myself |
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The leadership group at work |
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