These hands. Ashy and rough to the touch. Scars scattered everywhere. You have no idea what these hands are capable of. Where these hands have been and what these hands can do.
These hands can. Make a fist. Make an obscene gesture. Hold a knife. Shoot a gun. Throw up a gang sign. Throw up a peace sign. Construct things. Destroy things. Clap. Slap. Hold things. Throw things. Pull me up. Pull you down.
With these hands I. Feed my family. Console my daughter. Pay for things. Feed people. Cook. Hold my wife. Hold my head up. Pray to God. Wave hello. Wave good bye. Type these words.
I've used these hands to. Scratch records. Sell drugs. Fly a kite. Do graffiti. Change a tire. Swing a hammer. Pour a drink. Smoke. Drive a bus. Drive a truck. Make a pizza. Restore a bike. Plant a garden. Vote.
Without these hands, I am nothing.
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