Saturday, December 15, 2012

Secret Santa

Today God reminded my family and I that God still exists in the world. I always read about people randomly and anonymously paying people's bills or layaway around the holidays. I try to believe that they are great people and that the people that are on the receiving end are very deserving. I never ask, why not me? Unfortunately I don't have the fortune and disposable income to be a Secret Santa and help the less fortunate. Even though times are tough and I have to be creative when making my income last, I don't see us as less fortunate or poor, because I know that there are people who have way less then we do.

This morning we got up and head to CVS. Our daughter will be traveling with my parents to Central America for Christmas. This is her first time outside of the U.S. My wife, being the careful person she is, asked the doctor that she be inoculated just in case, before traveling. They prescribed a malaria medication. When we get to the pharmacy we wait in line. My daughter has a phlegmy cough. There a lady behind us and she comments on how bad it sounds. She asks if we all have it. My wife responds, no. They have a bit of trouble finding the prescription but finally do. The girl immediately tells us that it costs $139.00 and that insurance did not cover it. My wife is taken aback. I don't flinch because I have to buy it regardless. The girl behind the counter asks, if we still want it. I say yes and commence to swipe my card. While doing that, like a child, I make the comment unintentionally outloud, Well there goes our Christmas money.

We pay and gather some other things she needs for her trip. As we walk through the store, I think to myself why couldn't have the pharmacy absorbed the cost to show their Christmas spirit for a family that needed it, but I knew that would never happen. My daughter puts a carton of goldfish crackers in the basket, and my wife asks what that is. She didn't ask us if she could have them, so I had her put them back, and jokingly reminded her that her quota was up for the week. Before she comes back, we both notice a lady talking in a low tone to her. Initially it doesn't phase me because people talk to her all the time when were out, usually people from her school or my mom's friends. My wife asks what going on, as the lady darts for the exit. My daughter comes to us with a wad of bills in her hand. My wife asks what that was about. I automatically assumed that it was a couple of bucks for her to buy the goldfish crackers, as I notice one of the bills was a $20. She told us the lady gave her the money for her prescription. My wife counted it and it was $60 buck, roughly half of what we spent.

I wanted to get emotional as my wife ran towards the exit, I'm not sure if it was to return the money or thank the lady for her act of generosity. We were dumbfounded as to why anyone would want to help us. Things like that never happen to people like us. So to the lady behind us in line at the CVS in Hyattvsille on East West Highway on Saturday, December 15th at about 11am with the glasses, the Guerrero family wholeheartedly thanks you for giving us hope and help when it counted most.

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