Sunday, April 3, 2011

I will never drink again..... this week

Oh my, waking up this morning was the worst thing I could have done. My head was throbbing. My mouth was dry. My kidneys hurt. I wanted to die. Last night we decided to celebrate at my house. The "Little Rascals" were (for the most part) all back together again. It was supposed to be an early Birthday party for Nelson. We were also raising our glasses to my wife for finishing school last week.

I get up in a haze at about 5 am, after maybe 4 hours of sleep. My computer is situated almost at the foot of my bed. Every morning when I get up the first thing I do is sit on my stool and start up the computer. Little did I know last night I had tipped my stool over before I stumbled into bed. When I get up to sit at my desk I drop straight to the floor. It didn't hurt and I thought is was funny. I figured the comotion would wake my wife. She just rolled over. I get back in the bed and drift off again.

The next time I open my eyes it was after 7 am. the sun was out. I was still hazey, execpt this time I had the worst headache. I got back on my computer. I must of sat the for over an our in a daze. I suddenly look at the clock and it's after 9 am. I turn to look out of my window and see all this sunlight pouring in. I quicky grab my phone and proceed to call the guys in hopes to get a cook out going. I owed them one, and today would have been perfect.

About a month ago when I set my vacation up. I was looking through the calender to find a reason to have a party of cookout. Since Nelson's birthday is on the 11th. I decided to have it in his honor. I was shooting for the 9th, except on that date we are going out of town. Since I was going to be off this weekend we decided on the 2nd. I was hoping that by April 2nd, we'd be in the 60's. Instead they were calling for rain, wind and cooler temps. About a week ago I decided that I didn't want to trying to grill under those conditions. I ended up changing it and going to Costco to get a bunch of snacks and food.

I had also originally planned to start in the early afternoon so we could end at a respectable time. My wife told some people we were going to start at 7. I knew from some messaging that some of the crew would be in till later because of work and other obligations. Marco was supposed to work late and go to class and be here around 7. He called me around 1 and told me he got off early and was skipping class. Marco and Nelson were going to come soon. About 2 o'clock Spooky showed up with his brother Noel. Spook brought a bottle of Tequila called Rose Creme. It looked like strawberry Quik and tasted like sweet cough syrup. The guys quickly dubbed it "the panty dropper". It was o.k. but I'm certain that first shot was responsible for my morning ordeal. The 5 of us began playing dominoes. We're not sure if it was right, but we improvised along the way. We all had beers, then went on to shot number 2 of atleast 20 that I remember. We moved onto Flor De Cana a Nicaraguan rum. The 4 year aged gold is pretty strong. Marco and Spook were scared of it. They claim it's one of the strongest liquors they've had. On the other hand I perfer it. The older and darker the better. I usually drink 7 year old Gran Reserva, but there is also a 12 year old called Centenario. We poured the new shot in the old glasses that still had some Teuila Rose in the bottom. As the amber colored rum hit the "strawberry milk" it became a hazey muddy tan colered. Nelson remarked that there seemed to be a chemical reaction. The shot tasted terrible. There was a also a crusty residue burned onto the glass were the shot was poured. We had to wash the glasses, because simply rinsing did nothing for the residue. From there on in, we moved to Jack Daniels, then Patron. Lucky for me, we never made it to the Grey Goose in the freezer. We did however continue drinking beer and Red Bull between shots all night.

After a few more games of dominoes we moved onto Trivial Persuit 90's edition. By then more people had arrived. Tiffany, Nikki, and Sophie are some of Nelson's co-workers and friends. Spooky, Noel amd the girls played against Marco, Nelson, and I. Then Clyde showed up to round out the team. I've played this game many times, and usually it's too hard. They have 6 different categories ranging from TV and movies to Trends to Wired which has to do with technology. When your in a team, you have a better chance of answering all the questions. Clyde was quick with the political and sports questions. Nelson and Clyde were on the technology questions. Marco and I tackled general knowledge. First Noel was reading our questions, which was good, because he had a tell. When they figured this out and had Tiffany reading the questions who could bluff us good.

I had originally stated I would be grilling. I changed my mind due to the weather forcast. Marco and Mario had planned to coerce me into grilling anyway. They were going to show  up with all this meat. They did'nt, but while we played thay kept pointing out that the sun was out. Mario had to take his brother home. He was ordered to go to the supermarket to get ribs against my wishes. Although I had already put the food in the oven. While he was gone the power suddenly went out. That meant no food was cooking. He called from the store and I told not to get anything. It was getting dark, and the possibility of no power could have ended the evening early. With the return of Mario came the power. I was then able finish warming the food and we started eating. After we ate, everyone else showed up. After all the pleading yesterday, when I noticed it was going to be a nice day and I offered to grill. I was shocked they decided to go out to eat instead.

Mario Martinez showed up with a bottle of Patron Silver and a can of red bull. He has teaching a late martial arts class. He came through with his signature faux hawk. Soon after we get Tali walking through the door. You here a uniform "Oh Shit!!" coming from the crowd. Tali was rocking a 6 inch tall mowhawk. He had just gotten off of work. My wife's cousin Brent and his wife Candy finally showed up around 8. They started leaving their house around 5. There was only one guest remaining. We all doubted he would actually show. Mario bet AJ wouldn't show against Nelson and Marco. AJ is the one guy that everyone considers their favorite. He is such a warm and genuine friend. No matter how long you go without seeing him, he makes you feel like you just saw him yesterday. He came accompanied by his girlfriend Tina and friend named Dana. Mario had already left. Before AJ made it to the table Nelson had snapped a picture of him, and was sending it to Mario as proof of AJ's presence at the party. To which MArio responded that it was an old picture. When I heard that I called Mario and handed the phone to AJ. After all the pleasentries AJ and I took our places at the table. We cracked the Flor De Cana and commenced to catching up. I was already wasted but drank atleast 5 more shots before it was all said and done.

A couple of us there were really drunk. I was definately the drunkest. Since I had the shortest distance to get home. I showed little to no restraint. Marco and Nelson were also doing it up. Marco is usually the last man standing. He can drink almost anyone under the table. Halfway through the night he started to slow down and said he was done and wanted to go home. This was an outrage and disrespectful. What you should know is that Marco is also the guy that clowns anyone else that shows signs of weakness. His signature taunt is to, in a high pitched squeal, chant "pussee pusseee pusseee!!" until the person gives in. For instance if we pour shots for everyone and someone backs down claiming they're done or had enough, Marco will start his chant. I couldn' believe his nerve. We of course clowned him but eventually backed down. It turns out that he wasn't too drunk, he was just exhausted. He probably made the right decision.

Throughout the night we passed around a card for everyone to sign for Nelson. He was so drunk he forgot it. I will give it to him on his actual birthdate. Marco left his Car, and some games he brought. Before eveyone left all the guys went out front and took "tough guy" group pictures. Overall it was great night. I can safely say everyone enjoyed themselves.

I had to keep all the fun I had in mind after waking up in complete agony. I couldn't even sit upright, because I would get dizzy. I laid on the couch, and the decor would sway in front of me. I had to ask my mom for a cure. She made a concoction of lemon juice, vodka, and Alka Seltzer. After a while she made me a soup with poached egg in it. After about an hour I was a hundred times better. The headache had gone away and I wasn't dizzy anymore. I was even able to out to lunch with the family and some friends. I chose not to drink, and vowed "I will never drink again....... this week".

Brent, Mario, Me, Nelson, Marco and Mario

Marco, AJ, Nelson, and Me

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