What kind of a person wakes up at noon? Even when I stay up late or get drunk I usually get up before 9 the next morning. I've never been able to sleep in. Even on my days off I get up at 7am. So to wake up just after 12 noon is bothering me. I feel like I missed a lot of stuff. I didn't even know the royal wedding was this morning. Truth be told I could care less. I've been avoiding that thing like the plague. I'll come back to this subject later. So what do you do when you wake up this late in the day?
I really don't feel like getting up or going out. It almost feels like I need a do over. When I woke up this afternoon my mother made scrambled eggs with everything. It had potatoes, onions, ham, and some other stuff. Good thing too, because I was starving. To go with my egg there was this extraordinary cheese. My father returned from Nicaragua early this morning and brought home some goodies. Among them was this exquisite soft smoked cheese. It's not like smoked mozzarella. My mom referred to it as creamy. When I think of creamy cheese I think of Philadelphia or mascarpone. This stuff was a bit denser then flan and perfectly smoked. Got me to thinking. Why isn't this stuff selling in the cheese department at a fancy grocery store? In Central America Nicaragua is it when it come to artisanal cheese production. There are fresh cheeses, dry cheeses, and smoked cheeses. They sell their cheeses and other dairy products to El Salvador and other neighboring countries.
My dad's flight was due to arrive at midnight at Dulles Airport in Virginia. I planned to leave the house at 11 last night. Just before leaving I asked my mom for the flight information. She looks at me like I was crazy. asking me why I waited till late ask her. Why would she not have this information handy? So I say, then what airline is he arriving on? She didn't even know that. She remembered that he left on Copa, she thinks. So we venture down 495. We arrive at the airport about quarter to 12. Everything was perfect until I read the arrival screen. His flight from Panama was due to arrive at 12:12, now was going to arrive at 1:04. I was quite distraught, because I wanted to get to the airport around 12:30 to give him time to clear customs. My mom insisted I arrive early because she feared I would get lost. As we sit down to wait, my wife reads a sign that reads "Clearing customs may take between 1 and 2 hours" I was so pissed. So we sit and wait. The plane lands at 1:02. They don't reach customs until 1:34. We pull out of the airport an hour later. Just before reaching the house I look at the clock it's 3am. I realize I've been up for 24 hours.
After we get home the waiting game starts. No matter how tired I may be, I need to wait and see what he brought me back. It's like Christmas. I knew he had brought be some moronga, Nicaragua's version of blood sausage. So my mom opens the first suitcase in search of the sausage. What she didn't know was that a jar of preserves he brought back leaked and all the packages inside the suitcase were sticky. She starts removing things one by one and wiping them down with a damp rag. There were so many things in there. From cajeta de coco, a confection made from shredded coconut, usually dyed brown or pink. Rosquillas, a donut shaped cookie made of corn and cheese. Everyone that travels home always brings rosquillas back. I especially like the "abuelita" variety that are disk shaped with a bit of dried fruit marmalade in the center. There were also churros. Not like the Mexican churros Costco sells. These are more like honey sesame sticks only sweeter. Some native dresses for my daughter. He got me a great book to ad to my collection about the Somoza dynasty. He also brought me a bottle Gran Old Parr, a blended Scotch whisky. It's not my brand, and true I usually prefer some Flor de Cana from home. That is the brand of whisky he drank when he was an alcoholic. She emptied out both suitcases and hadn't found my sausage. I was getting worried. Then she sees it. She may have been more interested in finding it then I. First because it needed to be refrigerated, and also because she loves that stuff.
I finally lay down just after 4am. After I woke up the world had drastically changed. According to a status update I read, the morning news had been completely preempted. They didn't even show traffic or weather reports. There was pre-wedding coverage, wedding coverage, and a wedding recap. I wonder if commercial airtime sold for a high premium in the same fashion as the Super Bowl during the wedding? Did they even show commercials? I'm glad I slept through it. I would of tried to avoid it by any means, but it's like Leprechaun 3 on BET. You're flipping channels and notice it's on. You think, ill Leprechaun. Before you know it, it's 30 minutes and you have to finish watching, not because it's good, but because it's so bad. I would've had to finish watching the whole debacle. Don't get me wrong I'm a great proponent of marriage and love. I just feel sorry for those two. They are being exploited and frankly in my opinion set up for failure. I have no idea how many books were written about them. I've see everything from magazines, to dolls, too commemorative plates. Do they have rights to any of those proceeds? Then there is the media coverage. They've been talking about this wedding in every aspect of media since they got engaged. I feel that this will all end in disaster. I know that this is a momentous occasion. Do we really need total coverage? By allowing the media total access they are granting them eternal power over there daily lives. Imagine if and when they have children. Those sonogram pictures will be on TMZ even before the Queen sees them. Poor William won't be able to even look at another woman. The media will splash it all over TV and assume he is having an affair. I feel the most for Kate. I hate to say it and am not trying to jinx her, but I think she is doomed. God forbid she meets the same fate as Diana, but with everything that she is giving up. She is going have to be a very strong woman to be able to deal with this new found fame. God bless the Queen.
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