What fallows is a pictorial of what my parents saw fit and fashionable for a toddler. I totally have heard every joke possible. Please, feel free to laugh and comment on my fashion mishaps.
I'm going to start with cute stuff. I was about 2 month's old in this one. A whole life ahead of me. I could do no wrong.
About a year after that I started smoking. My clothing was fine, but Ray Bans? Now that I think about it, is that a bowl cut?
This was taken just before we came to the states. Me and my cousin Milagros were little indians. I'm not sure what we dressed up for. From here on in the other pictures make this outfit look normal.
I don't know where to start. Either I was a really big kid or that was a very small watremelon. The off the should look was in that summer. One of my friends that happens to be gay told me and I quote "that's one of the gayest things I've ever seen".
This is a pretty tame look. "What's the Natural Light box for?" you ask. Oh that's my hat. Yup I wore that on my head most of the day to keep the sun away.
It only get's better from here. I sometimes think that since alot of my clothing was second hand, my parents didn't take the time to figure out if it was gender appropriate. Can you say multi-colored flowered overalls without laughing. My dads contribution to the look were those tan socks with my sandles. Can anyone identify what I'm sitting on, I think it's a potty.
These next few is when my mom was obsessed with dressing me in red. I just tell people I was a blood.
Red corduroys, red turtleneck, red sweater, and a red hat. You see what I mean. I think that hat may have been adult sized too.
I was told by a close friend that I was wearing a girls coat. I said just because it's red doesnt't make a girls coat. He said it has a cinche waist and puffs out at the bottom. Everyone says I look like my daughter.
In this one I was about 6. Is that velvet? Let me rephrase that, Is that a velvet v-neck with a blazer?
Now I hope you better understand the plight I had endure as a kid. Other then the occasional lapses in judgement on my wardrobe I had a wonderful childhood. I always had what I needed and all the love I could handle. Remember when you have kids, think about how you dress them. Just because they are warm, pijama tops don't double as a sweater.
OMG!!! Cesar these are priceless! I laughed throughout the whole thing!!! Too funny!
ReplyDeleteThis post was bugged out! I especially liked the 'Is that a velvet v-neck with a blazer?' comment and picture that goes with this. Hilarious!
ReplyDeleteThanks Steph and Trish... had a blast doing this one. Please be sure to click "ghettoblaster" at the top of the page to check out my other posts. There is one about my brothers breakdancing days and one about the MVA and how they hate me. Any feedback is welcome.