Friday, May 24, 2013

Macanudos, Scotch and the Glow of the Lincoln Memorial.

I'm so sleepy right now. I need to go to bed, because I'm going for a morning jog with my homeboy MF. The last time I saw him was at 3:00 am. Spooky snuck into town yesterday. As usual he managed to round up the crew for evening out. Before that we had lunch and had a heart to heart. He says to me, 'you gotta come out tonight' Before I knew it I was switching my schedule for today from 5 am to 11 am. We all met up at a cigar bar downtown.

It was a smoked filled lounge that was brightly lit (the first time I went there it seemed darker) There were 8 of us smoking Macanudos and drinking beer, Scotch, and Remy. Looking like some ballers. Talking about everything under the sun from MF's upcoming wedding to a heated debate on the who James Bond really is. Is he a person or a job title. There was even talk of choreographing a dance routine we would perform at the reception.

We were among the last people to leave the bar. It was after 1 am and I was hoping to go to straight home to bed. I was riding with Spook and guess what we headed towards the Lincoln Memorial. Spook wanted to prove to a Seattle girl that his city was more picturesque and interesting than her's. It was kind of cool to see the light emanating from the monument. The reflecting pool was so calm, and the Washington monument wrapped in a tapestry of scaffolding moonlit majesty in the distance.

Afterward we found an open pizza place on K street just before Foggy Bottom. I'm not sure what time they closed but there were a handful of club goers looking for a late night sobriety inducing snack. There were only a couple of slices left. The hood rats ahead of us were asking for extra sauce and picking fights with another patron. By the time we finished eating there was a whole new set of hood rats trying to buy pizza for 4 with 5 dollars they scrounged together.

The night culminated with me dropping MF off and stumbling up my stairwell and laying down at  3 am for 9 am get up for work plan. Before that, every scenario played out in my mind. Calling out was my last resort. I even considered being late. Instead I woke up at 8 am for a grand total of 5 hours of sleep give or take. After a long day at work, and a couple of beers I need to take my butt to bed because I have a 7 am jogging meetup.

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