I have nothing. Figuratively and literally. I've been trying to conjure up something to write about and just couldn't come up with anything. Earlier today I wrote 6 paragraphs and decided I didn't want to write that post and scrapped it. Now I'm sitting here realizing that I've arrived at a crossroads. It's the second day of the year, I have 363 days left to make this year worth it. God forbid I don't have any interesting to write in my year end recap at the end of 2012. I currently exist in one those perfect situations where billionaires reached the epiphanies that put them on the path to infamy.
If I remember correctly, it was Tony Robbins, that was living on a friends couch when he decided to change his life, wrote books, and became the quintessential motivational speaker. Paula Dean was living in poverty when she started cooking out her home, which lead to a restaurant, later a TV career, now her picture is on your Smithfield ham. Makes me wonder, am I strong enough or bright enough parlay my mediocrity into a million dollar idea. I'm stuck in middle management at a national retailer. I love what I do but hate the idea of doing it for the rest of my life.
I currently make 20 bucks an hour. The problem is mine is the sole income of my household. Then the store I relocated to is slowly slipping into the red. That means, I'm afforded the luxury of only working 4 days a week. That mean I lose about $320 dollars every two weeks for us to barely make our labor budget, which means I have 3 days a week to either find a part time job or find another job altogether. At this point starting at another company or a different field would be futile. I will not make what I make now or even close. I guess this is my moment of truth. I need think about what I can bring to the table and change the game.
I'm 32 years old. I didn't finish college. I can barely make ends meet. I'm too old to take up boxing. I'm not even going to try to go back to school. I learned my lesson with my wife's huge student loan and lack of employment, but she did get a nifty degree and leather cover for it. Unless someone pays for my education, school is not happening, plus I would have to work full time while going to school. Means extra money on transportation, books, and supplies. I think that a second job is my only option. I can't barely walk upright while working 35 hours a week, how will I manage if I work 7 days a week?
I need to make a decision. I need to make 2012 the turning point in my life. I need to start moving my family into prosperity. My current situation is the perfect example of one step forward and two steps back. I'm tired of this. I need to really step it up. My family needs me to step it up. Things are not gonna get any easier. Even if I worked a full schedule and made 2 more dollars an hour, I would still be struggling. I grew up here, speak fluent English and Spanish and was educated here. I should be way ahead of where I am. I know about people that came to the states less then 10 years ago, they own companies and are living large.
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